So I wanted to share my thought on the baby bottles that I got. I Picked these up from Toy's R US but they can be purchased pretty much anywhere. The type of bottle I choose was one that uses these plastic liners which you just have to unscrew the top of the bottle and drop in the plastic liner then dispose of the liner when the bottle is done, makes cleanup a breeze. Also by using thissystem with a drop in liner you'll see as your little drinks the liner collapses preventing air mixing in with liquid lessening chance of gas and colic. I bought 1 pack of 2 bottles which didn't come with any liners so I had to purchase some liner as well. Some say this is a pretty expensive way, but I find it very reasonable. I payed something like 14 dollars for 100 liners in a box. One other thing you might want to know is that most of these bottles come with a slow flow nipples for infants, but you can purchase medium to fast flowing nipples usually in packs of two for 5 dollars. I personally use slow flow but I want to eventually work my way up fast flow. The Liner box at the bottom of it there are two places that open so you can pull liners from the bottom,But I just choose to open it from the top.